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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Rexburg Here We Come!

So.... I bet you're all on the edge of your seat wondering where and when we're moving to Rexburg. I bet you haven't slept for the last couple weeks because of it. So I'll ease your mind and tell you! We decided to go with one of the basement apartments. It is really close to campus, like REALLY close. It may have some bugs, but I hear it's not as bad in the winter anyways. And winter looks like it might be sneaking up on us soon. Poo. It also ended up being cheaper than the weird handicapped one that we thought we would go with. And we get to move in earlier than we planned. We're moving to Rexburg...... this Friday!! We get the key Thursday and get to move in Friday. It's an older house... made before 1975. Yeah... it's probably as old as my dad ;). But it'll work. We're pretty excited to be close to campus. Life will get a little bit simpler in a couple of days.

Life is wonderful! I'm loving my Senior Practicum in a fifth grade class. My teacher had an appointment yesterday morning, so I was in charge of the class from 9:30 to 12:15. At 12:15 the kids went to lunch. My teacher came back during lunch recess. So then after lunch the kids came in and went to 2 elective classes (Spanish and computer). And when they got back, I taught social studies. And then the day was over! So.... I was pretty much their teacher for the day. And it was the best day ever!!! I know that teaching is the right major for me. The Lord blesses Travis and I everyday. We are loving life and loving each other.

Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. YES! I'm soooo excited for you guys to move up here already. I'm going to Utah and when I get back you guys will be moved in wohoo that's awesome!
