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Friday, March 15, 2013

Hello Hailey!

Travis and I have been so blessed. A week ago, this morning, we stared into our daughter's eyes for the first time. She is absolutely beautiful. Perfect. More than I could have dreamed of.

I was worried she would get all of our worst qualities. And you know what? She got my butt chin and it's super cute! Seriously, I look at her and think, "how can two regular looking people create something so perfect?" I don't know the answer to that, but I love it! She's a really calm baby. Except for during the night, between 10 and 1. She wants to be awake and when we try to rock her or get her to sleep she fusses. She loves to sit and stare at Daddy when he sings to her. And Daddy doesn't know any little kid songs, so he makes up his own. Haha. I wish I could tap into what she's thinking as she listens to his nonsense songs. But I'm pretty sure she loves it.

Last night, Travis was rocking and soothing her to try and get her to sleep. After about an hour of him trying, he brought her to me and said, "your turn". Which I was okay with. I took her and started rocking her and talking and she immediately settled down and quieted. Travis couldn't believe it because she had been fussing the whole time with him. All it takes is a mother's touch. ;)

We're in love. With her. With each other. With life. I can't believe how much love I feel. I feel like the grinch. My heart has grown three sizes. I even love my husband more. It's a deeper, more perfect love. I love this feeling of being a "family", not just a "couple". It's amazing! I know raising a child (and children) is hard. It'll present its challenges. I'll probably want to scream sometimes. But I know it's what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm so happy to be a mother. I'm so grateful that God trusted us with this little child.


  1. She is so adorable. Love this post! I have the same feelings, very well said!

  2. Sweet little baby girl! We're excited for you! Enjoy these middle of the night staring into each others eyes :) It won't last too long :) Congrats!
