I don't know why they call bed rest "bed rest". It's more like "lay down and think about everything you could be doing instead of" rest. It's kinda stressful. Especially since every day that I'm just sitting here and there's no baby, it's just a day of maternity leave wasted. I want to spend as many days of my maternity leave with my little girl outside the womb. I know it's good for the baby... yaddy yaddy yah. I just think that the doctor forgot to tell my mind that it was on bed rest too! I've had to have countless conversations with myself. And I have to admit, I am pretty convincing. I tricked myself into relaxing and resting. But there were a few moments where my mind won. (Like when I went and picked out fabric from JoAnns... shhhhh!) So anyways, enough complaining. Life is great! Especially because I just finished my first baby quilt. =) It's a rag quilt, a lot easier than a regular quilt. Here's the tutorial I followed. But I added an extra row for fun. Seriously folks, it's easy.
Fun, huh? If I can do it, YOU can do it! My sewing machine and I got into a lot of fights. We don't really get along. I bought it used (very used) from someone. It's a Singer made in the 1970s I think. But it kept having problems. The tension, the bobbin, the thread, it all took turns breaking. But that did allow us to get to know each other a little better. I became kind of attached to her. Yes, she's a she. Her name is Nancy. You have the right to think I'm crazy, but talking to her seemed to make her work better. haha. We made it through and I made a quilt! Next up is this fun beanbag. I think Nancy and I can handle it. We shall see.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Tried to Nap
So I laid down to take a nap, but my mind was racing. I gave up the nap idea and moved on to the idea of writing on the blog. For some reason I decided to put my thoughts in poem form. Random. And kinda silly. So here goes nothing.
Oh, and I couldn't think of a title.
Oh, and I couldn't think of a title.
I've never been so excited
For something to begin.
When we found out we were expecting,
It was a major win.
We screamed and we shouted.
We jumped for joy.
Even our dog, Lyla,
Felt like she got a new toy.
Every ultrasound exciting,
Every doctor visit fun.
I couldn't believe
What train we jumped on.
Nine months seemed so long
And yet so short too.
I'm going to be a mother?
What do I do?
What do I do?
Oh the transformation
My body's gone through.
I didn't know it could stretch
And become something new.
I look in the mirror
And see more than just me.
I see me and my belly.
My precious baby.
My belly has grown,
And so has my love.
I'm so excited to meet,
This little angel from above.
I've felt her push.
And I've felt her kick.
Sometimes it makes me
Feel kind of sick.
The whole thing's been worth it.
I'd do it again.
There's not much to lose,
And so much to win.
This journey has been splendid.
Something so surreal.
There's a baby inside me?
It doesn't seem real.
I already love her.
I already do.
But I'm not alone.
Her daddy does too.
It could be any day.
It could be any hour.
We're anxious every second.
I just hope I've had my shower.
When she decides to arrive,
I know we'll be ready.
We'll be more than excited.
We'll be so stinkin' giddy.
So if you can hear me,
You cute little girl.
Mommy and Daddy are waiting.
Let's give this a whirl.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Snow Day... Play Day
Well it snowed like crazy here Thursday morning. It snowed over a foot. If we were in Rexburg, we'd just go on with life. But here in Kansas, everything shuts down. Even my doctor's appt got canceled (grrrrr). Travis' school canceled classes Thursday and Friday. So we've been hanging out and spending time together. It's nice to have some time together before the baby arrives (which is soon, hopefully!). Since we moved here, we've had this HUGE list of to-dos to accomplish. We've been way too busy between school and work to check anything off our list. But today we checked off one! We've had an empty wall above our fire place for two months now. We've been waiting and contemplating about what we should put up there. We felt like if it was above the fireplace it had to be good. I saw this idea on Pinterest and showed Travis. He loved it, so we did it! We bought an atlas from a gas station, some frames from Hobby Lobby, and got to work. So the idea is framing maps of places that are special to your family. We chose Idaho, Washington, and Kansas. It's where we met, were married, and where we will begin our family. They turned out pretty good! Someday we'll have vinyl lettering above the frames that say 'We Met', 'We Married', and 'We Lived'. But for now, we're just glad to finally have something above our fireplace. Here's a before and after. :)
Friday, February 15, 2013
Update: No Baby Yet
A lot has happened in the last couple days. On Wednesday, I had my normal weekly appointment. Travis couldn't make it (he was stuck at school), so I went alone. I had a scheduled ultrasound since I've been measuring small. The ultrasound showed low fluid level (a 5, for those that are familiar with the numbers) and not much growth for the baby. I had lost a little weight, so the doctor was concerned. He said they were going to set me up an appointment with the perinatologist (an ultrasound specialist) and he put me on bed rest. On Thursday, my doctor's office called and said they couldn't get me into the perinatologist soon enough and to head into Labor and Delivery. Uh what!? I called Travis, he had to skip a couple classes. We headed to the hospital and boy was it exciting! They had me put the gown on and wheeled me into sonography to get an ultrasound. Being in the wheelchair and being wheeled around made me feel like a princess. I may or may not have practiced my princess parade wave as they pushed me through the halls. The ultrasound at the hospital showed a 7 for fluid level. They said everything looked normal. The low side of normal, but not hostile yet. They disappointed me by telling me "no baby today" and sending me home. I was convinced I was going to have a baby for Valentine's Day. But I guess waiting a little longer is best. I'm being watched closely and still on bed rest. It's hard being on bed rest. There's so much to get done around the house, but I'm supposed to relax and "act like I have the flu". Poor Travis has to come home from school and do the dishes, laundry, make dinner, and study while I sit on the couch and cheer him on. I feel super lame sitting down all day letting him do it all. I feel like he's a work horse and I just get to whip him and make him do whatever I want. But I'm very appreciative of his positive attitude and determination to keep me well rested. He's a keeper! So the update is: no baby yet. Hopefully in the next week or so. ;)
Here's a picture of how I currently feel.
Here's a picture of how I currently feel.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Pregnancy Pity Party
Wanna come to my party? It's happening right now. Just send some pity my way. Today was almost catastrophic. Let me explain. I turned on the tube because my show was coming on (American Idol). Wheel of Fortune was on and it was freaking out. It would only last a few seconds before the screen went black and said, "Please wait...". Ummmm... you want me to wait? No thanks. My show is coming on in a couple minutes. So while my TV was on the fritz, Travis was walking out the door to go out with the missionaries. I looked at him with big puppy dog eyes and said, "You're going to leave me here alone with a broken TV?". He kissed me and said, "Yep... See ya later". No pity from him. So I try and call the cable company. They'll have pity on me, right? My show was starting in T-minus 3 minutes. So I go through that annoying "press 1 for this... press 2 for that... press 3 if you're really angry and want to speak with a representative". So I press 3. It rings and rings. Then stops ringing. Yessss. My problem is about to be solved. But then nobody said anything and the call was disconnected. Whaaat? So I call Travis and tell him it's an emergency and he needs to come home. And maybe I was crying on the phone. So what? It's my FAVORITE SHOW! I was not about to miss it. So as I'm crying on the phone to Travis, the TV fixed itself and started working again. Luckily. It had about 30 seconds to spare. So moral of the story- only the TV had pity on me.
Oh, another moral. I cry over the most ridiculous things. Like really ridiculous things. Like Disney World. I cried one night because I wanted to go to Disney World. Here's proof. This is after the sobbing. Enjoy. I'm just counting down the days until my hormones will be back in check again. hehe.
My mom was in Florida at Disney world and the people on TV were winning a trip there. It was just too much to take in. Seriously though. I wanna go.
Oh, another moral. I cry over the most ridiculous things. Like really ridiculous things. Like Disney World. I cried one night because I wanted to go to Disney World. Here's proof. This is after the sobbing. Enjoy. I'm just counting down the days until my hormones will be back in check again. hehe.
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