My sister did a series of blog posts a while back about how she and her husband met, their dating life, and then eventually marriage. I loved how she recorded the memories that are fading quickly.
Travis and I were talking the other day, trying to remember memories from the first year we knew each other. It's getting harder to recall them! It made me sad. So I thought I would follow my sister's example and record what I can remember. I started this blog right after we got married, so I want to record what happened before. Our fourth anniversary is coming up in a few weeks, so I figured this was perfect timing.
How We Met
A little background first. Travis got back from his mission in June 2009. I was graduating high school at that time. That sounds pretty funny now that I think about it. Travis and I both went to school in September that year at BYU-Idaho, but we didn't cross paths until later. I had a missionary I was going to wait for, so my first semester was spent avoiding boys and hanging with my awesome roommates.
January 2010 came. A new semester with some new roommates.
One of my new roommates was the wonderful Melissa. She was the one responsible for introducing Travis into my life. Travis and his roommates were Melissa's FHE brothers back before Travis' mission. So one day, Melissa told us she invited them over to hang out. Boys coming over to our apartment? Gulp.
Travis and his roommates walked in. Travis' roommate, Brian, was super easy-going and funny. Curtis was SUPER tall and easy to talk to. To this day the tallest person I have met. Travis, on the other hand, was shy and quiet. When he first walked in, I couldn't believe how handsome he was. A boy that looked like that was coming here? My young, naive heart couldn't take it. I was smitten. But I knew there was no chance he'd ever be interested in me. So I tucked that thought into the back of my mind.
We started off talking and playing some games. I immediately noticed Travis' laugh. It's one of those laughs that makes everyone around laugh.
You have to understand my friend Melissa. She is fantastic. And she brought me out of my shell. Melissa is outgoing, friendly, and makes everyone feel comfortable. So Melissa being her wacky self, turned on some Glee and started dancing away.
Brian soon joined her. And then, I surprised myself. I got up and danced too. Way out of my comfort zone, I should add. I have no dancing skills, but it didn't matter. Soon everyone was dancing and being crazy. It was super fun.
Travis didn't do much dancing. He mostly sat, watched, and laughed. Oh how I loved that laugh.

I'm so glad my roommate Brielle was obsessed with taking pictures (and still is!). I have a lot of pictures to document the night we met.
That night was crazy. After the boys left, I was so embarrassed with my behavior. I danced crazily and probably looked ridiculous. I remember thinking if Travis had any initial interest in me, it most likely disintegrated after seeing how I acted.
Little did I know, Travis did notice me. I learned later he thought I was cute and had a great personality. He was in the middle of getting to know another girl, so he told his roommate to ask me out. When his roommate said he wasn't interested, Travis decided to take action himself.
And I was so surprised when he did.