Travis's birthday was on Thursday. He turned a woppin' 24 years-old. I'm married to an old man! I got everything wrapped and ready to give to him on Tuesday because Wednesday was going to be a busy day for me. He got home on Tuesday and his presents were already wrapped and ready for Thursday. (Yup, I'm prepared.) Once he got home, I just
needed to see him open his presents. I couldn't wait anymore! I felt like a child on Christmas. I wanted him to see everything that I got him. I did good this year. So after much begging (on my part) he opened one of his presents. He got some movies and a couple shirts. So I was satisfied. He still had a present for Thursday. But then I thought about the stuff in the other present. So I made him open that one too. You don't understand-I just couldn't wait! The anticipation was driving me insane. So he was charitable and he opened the other present to please me. We're movie people so he got a couple more movies, some shirts, and a cd. So yeah..... I did good. He had a good birthday... a couple days early. Next year I'll wrap the presents the day of. haha.
We also went snowboarding today as a part two to Travis's birthday. Taylor and Lauren came with us to Targhee. It was fun. It was sooooo snowy! I couldn't believe the powder. It was a way different experience than my first time in Virginia.
So this was my second time snowboarding. For some reason, everyone (including me) thought I should start on the regular hill. We got there, rode the chair lift up, and started to head down the mountain. Holy moly, it was so foggy!! I could only see about two feet in front of my face. And I couldn't really remember how to snowboard. I was using a different board and I just couldn't get used to the feel of it. Lauren and Taylor went a little bit ahead and got lost in the fog. They just continued down the mountain and went on their merry way. (Which I'm glad they did.) Travis stayed with me as I fell down the mountain. Seriously. I fell down the mountain. After many tears, falls, words to as close to swearing as I get, and a couple hours, we made it down the mountain. Yes, you heard me right. It took us two and a half hours to get me down the mountain. And when we got down, the lift was closed and our time was up. MISERABLE. Travis and I learned that I need to start on the bunny hill next time we go. It was insane. haha. But enjoy some pictures! I hope Travis had a fun two part birthday. Even though it was hard, it was definitely a fun time.
On the drive to the mountain. Aren't they cute? |
Look at the crazy snow! It was so deep! |
See my face? That's how I felt... haha. |
That is the mountain. That's how foggy it was. So crazy! You can't even see it. |
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