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Friday, June 19, 2015

Sweet Sisters

When we were getting ready to bring Emma home from the hospital, I broke down and started crying. Up to that point I had been focusing on Emma for two days. I was so scared to go home to two kids and evenly spread my love. I was nervous Hailey wouldn't feel loved, or get enough attention. I didn't want to make her sad.

When we got home, Hailey was napping at our friend Brielle's house. We got settled at home with Emma and then Brielle said Hailey woke up. Travis went to get her and my nervousness came back. How was I going to share the love in my heart between two very different and needy babies? 

When Hailey walked in, she immediately noticed Emma on my lap. It was so cute how she froze and stared for a while. Then she approached me and started asking questions. She was mostly confused. Here's the full video of Hailey meeting Emma. I posted a condensed version on Facebook earlier this month. 
We were all sick with a cold when we brought Emma home. I didn't make Hailey get close because I didn't want her to get Emma sick. Our coughs lingered for weeks it felt like. Hailey noticed Emma, but didn't approach her too much for a few days. But I was okay with that, she wasn't acting jealous or negative, just content. We made sure Hailey got quality mom and dad time without the baby. Travis would take her outside to swing and play. One day they came back inside and Emma was sleeping upstairs. Hailey immediately noticed and said, "Where's Baby?". It melted my heart that she noticed her missing. 

After a few days, Hailey warmed up to Emma and began approaching her. She started laying next to her on the floor and talking to her. She loves having Emma lay next to her to watch a show. I have to be sitting close though, since Hailey doesn't understand how little and fragile Emma is quite yet. Hailey loves helping with Emma. She brings us diapers, helps feed her, gives Emma a binky, and helps when Emma needs something.

She loves watching her do tummy time and helps us cheer Emma on.
 It was kind of a blessing for us to be sick when Emma came home. I didn't force any interaction between them. Hailey warmed up to Emma at her own pace and loves her like crazy. I'm so excited for these sweet sisters to grow up together. We are so blessed! 
I was so worried about showing my love to two babies. But it worked itself out. My heart has grown so much. I have sooooo much love for my girls. It's crazy. I can't even describe the love that I feel. And watching Hailey interact with Emma just makes my love grow more and more. Ahhh the feels!

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